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Sunday, January 25, 2009

One Percent Perspiration

Ciara Gold, one of my fellow authors at Champagne Books posted a link to an interesting article about how women’s brains react to male sweat.

According to the article, there is difference between the sweat produced when men are aroused versus when they are just working hard. The interesting thing was that the women couldn’t conciously differentiate between the two types of sweat but their brains could. The article concludes by stating

“The next step, …, is to determine whether sweat scents trigger behavioral changes in woman, such as making them feel more or less attracted to a man.”

I have no doubt that this is true but any such superficial attraction is only a small step in any relationship. It might help to get things rolling but at the end of the day it takes more than that to keep a relationship alive, particularly in these challenging and busy times. It takes a committed and concerted effort to the relationship, to keep it fresh and to keep each party inspired to remain together.

These ancient biological triggers helped to ensure that we would reproduce and survive and while they may still influence us at the end of the day it is our hearts and minds that guide us.

Thomas Edison once said

“Genius is one percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspiration.”

I believe that just like genius can’t exist with that spark of inspiration, romance can’t exist without that element of attraction. So in homage to Mr. Edison, I think that his simple equation can be reworked to capture the essence of romance.

“Romance is one percent perspiration and ninety-percent inspiration.”

posted by David at 10:26 am  


  1. So true, David and very perceptive. A relationship takes work and commitment, something a lot of young newlyweds don’t often realize. Not to mention sacrifice from both parties. And as we grow older, we must work to avoid complacency in order to keep the spark alive. I went dancing last night with my husband of 23 years. It was a spur of the moment decision, and we both enjoyed the evening a lot. It sparked memories of our youth and made us both giddy like teenagers with their first blush of love. Too fun.

    Comment by Ciara Gold — Monday January 26, 2009 @ 1:39 am

  2. I guess this means we guys can skip baths now, right (g)

    Big Mike

    »» No Big Mike, I don’t think that is what it means but if you want to stop bathing be my guest. When your wife leaves you, don’t blame me. :)

    Comment by Michael Davis — Friday January 30, 2009 @ 11:51 pm

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